5 Habits That Are Causing Dry Skin

Written by Team BBSep 16, 2023
5 habits that are causing dry skin

Dry skin is certainly not easy to deal with. As a girl with dry skin, we know you are relying heavily on your favourite moisturiser to add some hydration to your skin. But while a moisturiser can certainly help add hydration and moisture to your skin cutting out habits that dehydrate your skin is the real game changer for anyone who has dry skin. Here are five habits that are causing dry skin.


1. You're Overcleansing

5. Food & Water Habits

While cleansing your face is an essential part of skin care, overdoing the cleanser can rob your skin of natural moisturising factors leaving you with a dry skin. If you are someone who has a dry skin we recommend using a moisturising cleanser like Lakmé Deep Cleanser Cleansing Milk which thoroughly cleanses and moisturizes at the same time. However use this not more than once a day.


2. Moisturise Correctly

5. Food & Water Habits

We know what most of you are thinking; how can one go wrong with moisturising! Don't wait till your skin feels excessively dry. Instead, try sealing in your skin's natural moisture with the moisturiser. After a shower dab on your favourite moisturiser while your skin is still damp so that it gets fully absorbed and locked within. Our favourite? Lakmé Absolute Skin Gloss Gel Crème which moisturises dry skin and gives a glossy finish.


3. Exfoliation Habits

5. Food & Water Habits

When you exfoliate you are gently scrubbing away dead skin cells and unclogging your pores and glowing skin. But when you over exfoliate or exfoliate frequently you are also scrubbing away healthy skin cells and moisture off your skin. As a general rule, keep a minimum gap of at least two weeks before you exfoliate and add moisture back to your dry skin after exfoliation.


4. Hot Water Too Often

5. Food & Water Habits

After a hard long day, a long hot water bath may seem like a tempting idea but it isn't good for you if you have an already dry skin. Your skin produces natural essential oils and excessive exposure can strip your skin of these oils. End result? Irritated dry itchy skin. If you absolutely can't bear to give up on a hot water bath, keep your showers no longer than 10 minutes.


5. Food & Water Habits

5. Food & Water Habits

Water not only hydrates your body but also hydrates your skin - especially when it's colder outside. It harder for your dry skin to feel hydrated when you don't make it a priority to drink water so be sure to chug those eight glasses of water.  Additionally, including foods rich in healthy fats like salmon and walnuts can help to improve the moisture-holding capacity of the skin.

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