Listen Up New Moms – These Skin And Hair Tips Will Make You Glow

Written by Urvi DalalSep 16, 2023
Listen up new moms – these skin and hair tips will make you glow

Childbirth is a very rewarding and beautiful experience that a woman undergoes. Suddenly your entire life starts revolving around your little bundle of joy. Your body - weight, skin, hair etc., go through tremendous hormonal changes over the entire course of your pregnancy. Post child birth, you will constantly be pressed for time, but we recommend you to take out a minimum of 10 minutes to pamper your hair and skin to help them regain their lost glory.

For all the doting new moms out there, caring for your hair and skin need not have to be a lengthy process. We have curated a list of easy and time-saving tips to care for your hair and skin postpartum.


Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!

Never ignore your supplements

Pregnancy brings about a lot of hormonal changes to your body that can sometimes strip of your skin of natural oils, leading to dry patches on your face. This isn’t a permanent problem, and can be easily solved by providing your skin with the necessary moisture.

BB Pro Tip: You can use a moisturiser such as the Lakmé Peach Milk Soft Crème Moisturizer. Or you can concoct some moisturising face packs using avocados, honey and other ingredients to get moisturised and healthy skin back.


Say no to acne.

Never ignore your supplements

Excess oil production due to hormonal imbalance is another common postpartum skin concern. This condition leads to clogged pores and acne, even if you have always had dry, acne-free skin. You can use a gentle, anti-acne cleanser along with an oil-free moisturiser twice a day to balance your skin’s pH levels and eliminate acne.


Melasma, no more!

Never ignore your supplements

Melasma in simple terms means skin pigmentation, in which your skin develops dark spots and patches. This is extremely common after pregnancy because your body is getting used to the hormonal changes, high levels of estrogen and progesterone. Although this condition is not permanent, you can do a few things to keep it in check. You can apply a sunscreen with a SPF of 25 or above, at least 2-3 times a day to reduce skin pigmentation.


Show your hair some care

Never ignore your supplements

Soon after pregnancy, your hormones, that helped keep your hair from falling during those nine months, drop back to normal. This is the reason why a lot of new moms experience tremendous hair fall just after child birth. To prevent your hair from falling, you can include protein rich foods such as fish and lentils in your diet or indulge in a hot oil massage 2-3 times a week. This helps hair regain its lost strength, health and softness.


Never ignore your supplements

Never ignore your supplements

Caring for your skin and hair from the inside is as important as caring for it from the outside. It is very important for new mothers to consult their doctors about the kind of health, skin and hair supplements that they can consume to make their skin and hair glow even post-delivery.

Urvi Dalal

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Writer, avid reader and hardcore beauty enthusiast is the best way to describe Urvi Dalal. With over 5 years of writing experience in the beauty industry, you can trust her to have the latest skin, hair and makeup tidbits on her fingertips. In her time working as a beauty writer, she has had the opportunity to interact and work closely with a string of dermatologists, makeup artists and hairstylists. All that knowledge exchange, coupled with her flair and love for writing make it possible for her to bring you some authentic yet fun beauty content. When Urvi isn’t working, you’d usually catch her curled up with a big, fat book, drinking a cup of tea or practising her makeup skills; there is no in-between!


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