Your Fringe Bothering You? Here’s How To Grow Out Those Fringes Gracefully

Written by Fatema HabibSep 16, 2023
Your fringe bothering you? Here’s how to grow out those fringes gracefully

Cutting a fringe is way easier than growing it out. Those who’ve had fringes know that the struggle is real.

Sporting bangs looks chic, no doubt. However, it’s a hassle to style them once they start growing out. But you don’t need to suffer through those awkward hair stages anymore. We’ll tell you ways in which you can manage your bangs when they start growing out. For all those who’ve always wanted to flaunt bangs, here’s all the inspiration you need!


Sweep them sideways

Be patient!

Side-swept bangs are way easier to grow out than having to deal with hair slowly growing down straight into your eyes. To sweep them sideways, all you need to do is part your hair on the side you’re comfortable with, comb your bangs straight forward from the crown and swoop them to one side. This will make your life much easier.


Make full use of hair accessories

Be patient!

Hair accessories are your biggest saviour when it comes to dealing with bangs that are in their growing out phase. To prevent your grown hair from getting in your eyes and driving you nuts, pin your fringes with the help of bobby pins, barrettes or hairbands.


Twist, tease and braid

Be patient!

Pinning up your bangs is not the only option to keep hair away from your face. You can also braid or twist and secure those bangs at the back of your head. Another option is to lightly tease your bangs at the back to make all the hair stick together, then pin the hair to one side in a retro-inspired miniature pompadour. Simple yet elegant!


Dry shampoo to your rescue

Be patient!

Dry shampoo not only keeps your hair looking fresh and grease-free, but also adds texture and hold; just what you need while growing out a fringe. Spritz some through the lengths of your bangs and style as per your choice. You’ll be surprised to see how much more obedient they are!


Be patient!

Be patient!

Bangs can help you ooze cuteness and earn you great compliments. However, growing them out requires patience. Once your bangs start reaching your eyes, they can get a bit frustrating and difficult to handle. Though not overnight, but eventually they will grow out. So, keep calm!

Image courtesy: Pinterest

Fatema Habib

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Author at BeBeautiful

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