10 Things Only Girls With Short Hair Will Relate To

Written by Fatema HabibSep 16, 2023
10 things only girls with short hair will relate to

Any girl who has taken the decision to go short with her hair length knows how much courage it takes to let go of your mane you have so lovingly grown out for years. You especially miss it at occasions like weddings when styling longer hair proves easier than shorter lengths.

We bet that girls who have gone short have at some point faced these hilarious situations! Whether you have a pixie cut, lob or any other short hair-do, you know these struggles all too well...


When people tell you they liked your long hair better…

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

I got it the first time you told me!


That feeling when… your hair can’t keep you warm in winters

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

Aaarrrrggghhh… *why so cold?!*


Happiness is… when you don’t clog the drain with your hair anymore

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

Ah, finally! *Happy dance*


Hair flips… what’s that?

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

There’re no more on-point hair flips for you… because well, short hair struggles you know!


Everyone wants to know the “reason” why you chopped your hair off

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

Heard of a thing called “personal choice”?


You can literally wear your hair one way – down (Deal with it)

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

Okay, this can be a big turn-off, especially if you’re someone who loves styling their hair.


Wearing a hat can make you look like a boy

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

What? Noooooo!! The only time you miss your long hair…


That moment when you look into the mirror every morning and regret your haircut

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

The feeling of “maybe I made the wrong choice” keeps coming and going…


And then there are moments when a short hairdo instantly boosts your self-confidence

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

*Love love love my new look* Oh yes, you totally do!


The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

The world can judge all they want; you know you own the look

Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle girl!

Image courtesy: Giphy.com

Fatema Habib

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Author at BeBeautiful

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