Revealed! The Difference Between Bikini, French And Brazilian Wax

Written by Urvi DalalSep 16, 2023
Revealed! The difference between bikini, french and brazilian wax

With the crazy salon lingo, deciding on a hair removal technique for down there can seem like you’re trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. Bikini, French and Brazilian wax may seem like different names for essentially the same thing — waxing the pubic area—but guess what, they’re all different.

We know this can get extremely confusing, which is why we are here to help. Below is a detailed guide on all the different types of bikini waxes, so that you know exactly what you need the next time you visit the salon...


​Bikini wax


The most common form of waxing, a bikini wax is ideal for beginners. It is also perfect for someone who wants to wear hot shorts or a bikini (summer vacay feels, ya know?). This form of waxing consists of waxing the bikini area and includes the sides of your legs/thighs, your panty line and below the naval. A bikini wax forms a neat inverted triangle of hair that perfectly complements the panty line of your bikini.

Note: A bikini wax is mainly for beginners and won't take off much hair. This kind of waxing is only meant to be the first step towards more painful waxes. It is ideal for quick clean ups and does not require you to remove your panties. So for those who aren't comfortable being naked around a stranger, a bikini wax is the one for you!

When to do it?

If you are a first-timer, looking for a basic clean up of the bikini area then this type of waxing is ideal. You don't need to take your underwear off for this type of waxing.


French wax


Just like bikini wax, French wax also does not remove all the hair; it leaves a tiny bit behind. While most of your hair is removed, a little bit from the front and back is left behind. This sort of waxing will make your pubic area feel extremely clean.  It includes the advantages of a Brazilian wax except in the butt area. 

When to do it?

French wax is ideal for first timers as it gives a clean feeling minus all the pain. You will have to remove your undies for the most part. 


Brazilian wax


Even though extremely popular, Brazilian is the most painful. This is because when you opt for Brazilian wax, you are asking for your entire pubic region to be cleaned bare. Ideal for someone who wants to go completely clean down there, this form of waxing could prove to be slightly embarrassing considering that you will be asked to spread your legs or bend down so the technician can do a better job. 

When to do it?

If you wish to get rid of all the hair down there, then this is the right choice for you. It will completely remove every bit of hair and will be a painful session. You will have your undies off during this type of waxing.


Waxing tips


Before visiting the salon for a Brazilian, French or Bikini wax it is important to follow a few tips to ensure the session gives good results. 

- Be clean

By clean we don't mean remove the hair yourself, but make sure to take a shower before the appointment. Wash your bikini area thoroughly with warm water and soap. Carry cleansing wipes for a quick cleanse before the session starts.

- Prep your skin

Exfoliate your skin the day you have your appointment, this ensures your wax goes on evenly. It will also allow the hair to get uprooted with ease.

- Get ready for the pain

Waxing is painful and it can be a good reason for anyone to cancel their appointment. But here are a few tips that will help reduce the pain. Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffiene few days prior to the appointment to make the pain more bearable. Taking a pain killer 45 minutes prior to the appointment also helps.

- Avoid five days before and after your periods

Your skin is extra sensitive while you are on your periods and just before it starts. It is best to avoid scheduling an appointment during this time. 

- Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliating your skin removes the layer of dead skin cells from under the hair, thereby cleansing the area thoroughly and easing the process of uprooting the hair.

- Choose your wax

When it comes to waxing, one size fits all seems appropriate but there are a few different types of waxes that offer different results. Hard wax is usually used for the bikini area.


How to do Bikini wax at home


It is best to a bikini wax done by a professional, because lets just admit, it is a hard to reach area and doing it yourself can be quite tricky. But if you have qualms about a stranger doing it for you, here's how you can do a bikini wax at home.

- Start by getting comfortable, pour yourself a glass of wine and put on some music before you begin. 

- Waxing can get pretty messy, especially down there so do it in small sections. The fear of pain may compel you to apply the wax all at once and rip it off but that's not how bikini waxing works.

- Start at the pubic bone, since it is easier to reach and flatter you can easily cover this section first. 

- Move further and wax the area between your thigh and crease, one side after the other.

- Going small section-by-section move further until you've covered the whole area as desired. 




1) Should I trim hair before a Bikini wax?

No, while you may feel your hair is long or be embarrassed to show it to a stranger understand that trimming can make it short. Waxing short hair is tricky and difficult, it may even prevent you from getting the desired results.

2) How do I prepare for my first bikini wax?

It is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically before going in for your first bikini wax. You should know that it will be a bit painful, if your threshold is low pop a pain killer 45 minutes prior to the appointment. Don't forget to take a shower and cleanse the area well before going to the salon. 

3) Does a Brazilian wax include butt crack?

Brazilian wax remove all hair from and around the pubic area, right from the front to the back. It will cover the inner side of the bum as well as the butt crack. 

Urvi Dalal

Written by

Writer, avid reader and hardcore beauty enthusiast is the best way to describe Urvi Dalal. With over 5 years of writing experience in the beauty industry, you can trust her to have the latest skin, hair and makeup tidbits on her fingertips. In her time working as a beauty writer, she has had the opportunity to interact and work closely with a string of dermatologists, makeup artists and hairstylists. All that knowledge exchange, coupled with her flair and love for writing make it possible for her to bring you some authentic yet fun beauty content. When Urvi isn’t working, you’d usually catch her curled up with a big, fat book, drinking a cup of tea or practising her makeup skills; there is no in-between!


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