Oily Hair Causes & How To Control It: Full Guide

Written by Kinnari AsharJan 30, 2023
Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It: Full Guide

Someone great once said that excess of anything is bad. So, while a little bit of sebum (oil) is good for your hair, an oily, greasy scalp is a big no-no. Besides the genetically oily scalp, the dirt and pollutants in the air further make your scalp dirty and greasy. If this wasn’t enough, the chemicals and artificial elements in most shampoos and hair products just worsen the situation. 

So, while we can’t sway the pollution levels on our own, what we can do is make a conscious choice of choosing clean hair products to take care of our hair. Look for products that are free of harmful chemicals like silicones, parabens, artificial fragrances and dye, etc. and are also vegan and cruelty-free. Don’t know where to start? We’ve got your back. We have put together the causes of oily hair and how to treat them. Check it out. 

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It: The Basics  

Oily hair is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, and hair care practices. When the scalp produces too much sebum, the hair can become greasy and lifeless. While it may be tempting to wash your hair every day to combat this issue, over-washing can strip the hair of its natural oils and actually make the problem worse. Instead, there are several strategies you can try to control oily hair and keep it looking clean and healthy.  

Oily Hair: Causes 

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

There are several factors that can contribute to oily hair. Let's discuss the oily hair causes in detail. 

1. Genetics  

Oily hair can be inherited from your parents. If your parents had oily hair, it's more likely that you will too. This is because the production of sebum, the oil produced by the scalp, is largely determined by genetics. 

2. Diet  

A diet high in fried and fatty foods can contribute to oily hair. These types of foods can increase the production of sebum on the scalp, leading to greasy hair

3. Hormonal changes 

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can affect the production of sebum on the scalp. During these times, hormone levels fluctuate, leading to an increase in sebum production and oily hair.  

4. Hair care practices 

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

Using products with heavy oils or not washing your hair frequently enough can contribute to oily hair. If you use products with heavy oils, such as coconut oil or olive oil, on your hair, it can weigh down the hair and make it look greasy. Similarly, if you don't wash your hair frequently enough, the oil and dirt that accumulates on the scalp can make the hair look greasy

Use the Tresemme Pro Pure Damage Recovery Hair Serum after washing your hair. It is infused with the goodness of Rice Essence which helps your hair recover from early signs of damage. The serum gives you a professional quality vibrancy and shine to your hair so that you can flaunt those gorgeous locks. 

5. Medical conditions 

Certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal imbalances, can also cause oily hair. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that can cause an increase in androgens (male hormones), leading to an increase in sebum production and oily hair. Hormonal imbalances, such as an overactive thyroid gland, can also cause oily hair. If you have tried the above strategies and your oily hair persists, consider consulting a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment. They can help determine the underlying cause of your oily hair and recommend the best course of action. 

Oily Hair: How to Treat 

Follow these tips and tricks on how to get rid of oily hair and your hair will not feel greasy

1. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week using the right shampoo 

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

Wondering how to wash oily hair? As surprising as it may sound, it is often advised not to wash your hair too often if you have an oily scalp. If you wash your hair too many times to get rid of the greasy scalp, you also end up stripping your hair of its natural oil. To make up for the lost oil, your body ends up creating and releasing even more oil, which makes your scalp even more oily - you catch the drift, yet?   

So, while it is important to watch the number of times you wash your hair, it is even more important to pick out the right shampoo for oily hair.  

The Love Beauty and Planet Tea Tree Oil & Vetiver Clarifying Shampoo is our go-to when it comes to dealing with an oily, greasy scalp. The best bit is that this shampoo is made with aromatic vetiver, organic coconut oil, and ethically sourced Australian tea tree oil and has no dyes, parabens or silicones. 

The tea tree oil in the shampoo clarifies and soothes the oily scalp and removes buildup, and gives the much-needed nourishment to your hair without running the chance of further making your scalp oily. The earthy fragrance notes further give this shampoo an aromatic edge that you’d surely love! 

2. Don’t forget to condition


Don’t forget to condition

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

A shampoo is like a cleanser for the hair, and a conditioner works as a moisturiser. You see, both of them work hand-in-hand to give you the hair of your dreams. The key to avoiding making your hair greasy while conditioning lies in using it right. Apply the conditioner strictly from mid-length to the ends of your hair and avoid the scalp at all times. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse off with cold or lukewarm water. If you have been avoiding conditioners just because of your oily scalp, then it’s time to invest in one ASAP.

Our favourite is — no points for guessing — the Love Beauty and Planet’s Tea Tree Oil & Vetiver Clarifying Conditioner.  Enriched with vetiver and Australian tea tree oils, this conditioner works wonders to give your hair the nourishment it needs while also adding oodles of volume. What we love the most about this is that it uses plant-based cleansers and is cruelty-free, paraben-free, dye-free and formulated without silicones.


Say no to hot water

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

Hot water is bad for all scalp types, whether it’s oily, normal or dry. You must understand that hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands (the oil-producing glands in your scalp) to release even more oil, which is something we don’t want. This is how it works - the hot water strips your hair of all the oils, which might sound good but isn’t actually. To ensure your hair gets the essential oils it needs, your sebaceous glands work to produce even more sebum, thus starting a never-ending cycle of oily scalp and greasy hair. So stick to washing your hair with lukewarm or cold water only.


Avoid straightening your hair

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

Well, this one is a bummer! You must have noticed that when you straighten or blow-dry your hair, they turn oily pretty quickly. This is because as you straighten your hair, it gives oil a direct route down your hair making it look even more greasy. If you wish to style your hair, then go for curly or wavy styles so that you can add volume to your hair.


Stop touching your hair

Oily Hair Causes & How to Control It

We love to play with our hair - twirling our locks playfully or running a hand through our mane while we are stressed. Well, if you have an oily scalp, then you have gotta stop this habit right away. It is believed that running your fingers through your hair too often or even brushing them too much causes your scalp to produce more oil, thus ending up making your hair even more oily and greasy.

Kinnari Ashar

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A beauty and food enthusiast with a decade of writing experience, Kinnari treats her skincare routine like a sacred ritual and views a gourmet meal as a daily necessity. Balancing her time between uncovering the latest beauty trends and taste-testing culinary delights, she’s always up for trying new products or savouring a delicious dish.

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