I Swapped My Usual New Year Resolutions For Skincare Resolutions In 2020 And You Should Too!

Written by Lamiya ChitalwallaSep 16, 2023
I swapped my usual New Year resolutions for skincare resolutions in 2020 and you should too!

We are already over a week into the new year and I’m sure most of you have made a long list of things you want to do or stop doing this year. Now I’m not going to lie, I’m a 100% guilty of making unrealistic New Year resolutions every year and then forgetting about them within the first month. 

This year however, I had only two things on my list 1) Self-love–Be me, Do me & Love me. 2) Stop making New Year resolutions.

In December last year when everyone was busy partying and celebrating, I was low-key stressing. Stressing about what I was going to challenge myself to do and what goals I wanted to set for myself. After seeing a ton of inspirational YouTube videos, reading Mark Manson’s The subtle art of not giving a bleep and binge-watching Queer Eye I settled on self-love.

I know it sounds a little too “Omg, you didn’t” but I honestly thought that I needed to shift focus to myself! One thing led to another and I finally decided to settle on skincare resolutions for 2020. Pampering myself with some extra TLC was something I was excited and looking forward to!

Watch the video to check out some of my resolutions.

Apart from the four major resolutions I put in this video, here are some more things that made it to my skincare resolutions list for 2020.

• Use products that are sustainable and environment friendly

• Opt for chemical-free products with natural ingredients 

• Experiment and try new stuff out! It might just help you find your holy grail products

• Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate… 

• Add some daily meditation to the mix for that EXTRA  GLOW

• Eat healthy but also indulge once in a while! 

Lamiya Chitalwalla

Written by

Author at BeBeautiful.

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