


What is it: A humectant pulls moisture from the atmosphere to hydrate skin and is commonly used in moisturizers and hydrating cleansers.

Grape-Seed Extract

Grape-Seed Extract

What is it: Has more antioxidants than Vitamins E and C and is said to protect skin against UV damage.

Grape-Seed Oil

Grape-Seed Oil

What is it: A hydrating agent, it is found in moisturizers, wrinkle creams, and hair care products

Green Tea

Green Tea

What is it: Extracted directly from green-tea leaves, it fights free radicals and quells inflammation

Goji Extract

Goji Extract

What is it: Derived from a small fruit native to Asia, it is rich in zinc and is thought to fend off environmental damage to skin



What is it: A hair cutting term that implies building weight at a 45 degree angle from the shape of the head to add movement and structure

Galaxy Freckles

Galaxy Freckles

What is it: A popular makeup trend where stardust and constellations are painted on the face

Glitter roots

Glitter roots

What is it: Painting the roots of one's hair with glitter or pigment for an edgy look

Glitter Freckles

Glitter Freckles

What is it: Dotting the face with glitter or metallic to give the impression of sparkling freckles.

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