Say Hello To Glowing Skin With These 8 Overnight Face Masks!

Written by Nisha ShahAug 18, 2022
Say Hello To Glowing Skin With These 8 Overnight Face Masks!

Going to bed after a tiring day of work and chores, we know that you look forward to sound sleep – something that will give your body and mind the rest it needs, and rejuvenate your skin as well. However, how many times has it happened that you have woken up looking tired as if you did not sleep at all? The restlessness of your sleep is written all over your face, and your skin can never hide it. We all dream of clear, glowing skin, but all we get is a tired-looking face.

However, fret not, because we have a hack for you! As you might be aware, our skin repairs and renews itself when we are asleep. Then, why not use that time to give our skin the love and care it needs? How about using overnight face masks to make the most of your beauty sleep and get beautiful skin as a result? That sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? Here are some masks that you can easily prepare at home.

However, before we tell you about these homemade masks, it is first necessary to understand the basics of their usage so that you use them effectively to get all the benefits.


How To Use an Overnight Face Mask?

Olive Oil Mask

We know you might have several questions because using overnight masks can be tricky. There may be questions such as ‘When should I apply it?’, ‘Can I use it every night?’, ‘What happens if it gets everywhere?’ We hear you! To ensure that you get the most out of your mask, here are some pointers to keep in mind before you try using it:

Can you use an overnight mask every day?

Using these face masks one to two times a week at most is enough. Think of them as intensive care for problem areas—they soothe, protect, and nourish the skin when it needs a boost. While these masks are prepared using natural ingredients, it does not mean you should use them every night. Your skin needs to breathe too, so do not use them more than twice a week.

Should you moisturise before using an overnight mask?

Yes, you should follow your nighttime skin care routine as you usually do. Apply the mask as the final step in your nighttime routine – just before bed.  

Do you need to worry about getting the mask all over your sheets?

Some ingredients used in these homemade masks could possibly stain your sheets with a greasy residue, but that can be cleaned off. However, to cause less damage, lay a clean towel under your head to keep the mask from staining your sheets.

Olive Oil Mask


Coconut Oil Face Mask

Olive Oil Mask

Everyone knows that coconut oil is your hair’s best friend, but did you know it works wonderfully on the skin as well? That’s right. Coconut oil is the perfect elixir for dry and irritated skin as it reduces inflammation, improves hydration and prevents damage caused by the harmful rays of the sun. Hence, if your skin is dry or irritated, use this face mask regularly.

How to use it?

Mix a teaspoon of regular or cold-pressed coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil. Massage well on your face before sleeping and wash it off in the morning.

Disclaimer: If you have oily or acne-prone skin, do not use coconut oil on your face.


Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Mask

Olive Oil Mask

Loaded with abundant vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes, aloe vera is a boon that is used extensively in hair and skin care for its properties. Combining it with vitamin E will protect your skin from damage and reduce inflammation along with providing it with the nourishment it needs to stay healthy.

How to use it?

Squeeze the oil from two vitamin E capsules and mix with a tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Massage well on your face and wash off with cold water in the morning.


Green Tea Mask

Olive Oil Mask

A powerful antioxidant, green tea has several benefits for the skin, such as cleansing it and toning it. When used as an overnight face mask, green tea can reduce puffiness and dark circles below the eyes along with cleansing the skin.

How to use it?

Prepare green tea as you usually do. When it cools down, dab it on your face with the help of a cotton ball. Rinse it off the next morning with cold water.


Almond and Milk Mask

Olive Oil Mask

Combining these two powerful ingredients will give you a mask that is rich in vitamin E and folic acid. If your skin seems to have lost its softness, you should definitely try this face mask, and use it regularly for better results.

How to use it?

Soak five almonds overnight and peel them in the morning. Crush them in a blender, and add two tablespoons of milk to prepare the mixture. Rub it on your face with cotton balls before you go to sleep and wash it off the next morning.


Cucumber Mask

Olive Oil Mask

Cucumber has a cooling effect on the body, and hence is a great ingredient to use on the skin, especially during harsh and hot summers. Along with cooling the skin, a cucumber overnight face mask also hydrates the skin and soothes sunburn. It also helps brighten the skin, giving it a lovely glow.

How to use it?

Extract the juice of half a cucumber and apply it on your face using a cotton ball. Wash it off first thing in the morning.

Turmeric and milk mask

A combination of antiseptic turmeric along with milk is bountiful in goodness! The lactic acid present in milk easily penetrates into the skin, thereby hydrating it and giving you soft, glowing skin. On the other hand, the antibacterial properties of turmeric are helpful in killing unhealthy bacteria on your skin and ridding the skin of scars. Thus, this overnight face mask is a two-in-one mask, for getting rid of scars as well as getting glowing skin!

How to use it?

Mix two tablespoons of milk and a tablespoon of turmeric powder and apply on your face. Wash it off in the morning with cold water.


Honey Mask

Olive Oil Mask

Honey is the perfect beauty remedy, for it offers a host of benefits to the skin such as fighting acne, improving complexion, exfoliating it, moisturising it and fading scars. By doing all of that, it gives your skin a natural glow, and hence this overnight face mask is a must-try for healthy and beautiful skin.

How to use it?

Apply a teaspoon of honey on your face and wash your face with a mild cleanser the next morning.


Olive Oil Mask

Olive Oil Mask

High in phenolic compounds, several types of acids and antioxidants, olive oil is one ingredient that is incredible for skin care, but is not known by many for those benefits. Using olive oil as an overnight face mask will reduce oxidative stress in the skin, promote dermal reconstruction and have anti-inflammatory benefits.

How to use it?

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it on your face in circular motions for about two minutes. Use a mild cleanser to wash it off the next morning.

Give your skin the care and love it needs, and pamper it with natural ingredients using these overnight face masks, we’re sure going to love the results!

Nisha Shah

Written by

Writer, avid reader and a lover of all things creative is the best way to describe Nisha Shah! Equipped with a degree in Journalism and a certification in Digital Marketing, she brings a distinct perspective to her writing. With experience in content covering a range of topics from health to travel and beauty to food, she manages to bring something interesting and yet easy-to-read for her readers. When she's not writing, you can find her curled up with a book and coffee, bingeing on movies and TV shows, experimenting with photography and lots more!


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